Monday, April 6, 2015



I hope everyone who had the chance was able to watch conferance. It was amazing! Talked alot about the family and marrige. But also, SO much about the savior. It was amazing. I was able to watch it in English with some of the other american missionaries. We had an "english room" where we all watched conferance in english and spoke really awkward english to eachother. One of the Sisters we were watching it with is an english major, and she was dying becuase of how horrible our grammer was. 

Three of my favorite talks were from the Saturday Afternooon sesson by Dale G. Anderson where he said "A saint is just a sinner who keeps on trying" and also "if we dont try we are just latter-day sinners, if we give up we are just latter-day quitters, and if we judge we are just latter-day hypocrites. be a latter-day saint" he also said that "one of gods greatest gifts was that we can try again, and we always expects us to keep trying!"
The other one I loved was by Wilford W Anderson. He talked about learning the "dance" and listening for the "music".
And of course, Jeffery R. Holland from the sunday morning sesson! He talked about remmebering our brothers hands. He said Jesus Christ stands triumphant over death. Sanding on wounded feed, he is here to grasp us, with plam pirced hands" 
I am so thankful for this week that I had to be able to remember the savior and see the lords hand in his work.

This week, I saw a mericle. My area is harder, we havent had a baptism here for months and months. We have been teaching this girl named Heloisa and she is amazing. We have been taking it slow cause she is 9, and we didnt think her mom would let her get  baptised. But Thursday we went to her house, and her grandma had given her a book of mormon, and she had already read to 1 Nephi 10. And we taught her, then the next day she was at 2 Nephi 4. And then the next day The book of Jacob. We taught her all the lessons, her mom signed the paper. She came to conferance, LOVED IT. Then sunday, She came to chuch in a white dress and with a towel, and she got baptised! She was so happy, and the whole ward was there to support her and her decison! I am so excited for her! I love her so much!! :) 

I am so thankful for weeks like this, the mission has hard moments, but there is NOTHING more rewarding then seeing the gospel change the lives of people. And watching it change my life. I love conferance. I love this church and am thankful for this easter weekend. 

On easter sunday we went to the house of some members, (they are always feeding the missionarys and are like the missionaries family away from home) They fed us all dinner and then gave us all chocolate because of easter. 

I love you guys! Although it is no longer the week of easter, remember the savior and how he is risen. 

Sister Arrie Hernandez

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