Monday, September 21, 2015

and he brought us cake..

This week was a great week. It was a little slow because my companion got sick for a couple days and we had to stay at home. :( BUT good news is that she got better! 

This was the last full week of the transfer. I have a feeling that I will be leaving Currais Novos. BUT, you never know cause it is the Lords will. Next week I will let you guys know! I love my comp Sister G. Silva alot. I will be sad if we only get one transfer together BUT I would also be excited to get to know a new area. So it will be a win win. 

We are teaching a man named Joberto, and his wife Claudia. I have never met a man with more questions in my life. He has a question for everything. Last week they went to church and this week we went to their house and taught them the restoration. So the morning of the lesson we studied a TON. to be ready for ANY question that he could have. when we started the lesson there were 100 cars in front of their house making a ton of noice and i said a prayer. "please make the cars stop so we can feel the spirit." and the cars stoped. And the spirit became so strong. And we taught, and the spirit testified. And Joberto didnt have one question. he just said it all made sense. It was amazing. 

this week we were able to bring 6 people to church. IT WAS AMAZING. But two of the people we are teaching had to leave after sacrament meeting. But before they left, they were so excited and felt the spirit and told us how they are going to come back and they were singing during the meeting!! But before they left they asked us if we had a snack to eat during the 3 hours. We said no and they were happy cause they brought us a cake to eat! what? a cake? a full on cake. it was so funny and as my 9 months as a missionary that was my first time someone brought me a cake at church ha. 

I love these people. They have such an amazing love for everyone. 

Last night we made pizza at the house of a member! :)

Sorry this email is so short! I love you guys! You are in my prayers!! 
Those are baby pigs at he house of a member! 

Sister Hernandez


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