Monday, March 14, 2016


I am now in a trio!! WHOOO! I am with Sister Thompson, from
washington, and Sister Miller from Sandy, Utah. Sister Miller is our
daughter. We are training her together.

I remember when I got on the mission, everyone told me I would never
have american companions. But until now, I have had 5. What everyone
told me was wrong! Haha. But I like the american companions because it
will be easy to get together after the mission.

This week started of sad cause Sister. J Baker went home. It was sad
leaving her at the bus station. I love that girl. She was an amazing
companion and an amazing friend. I love that girl so much. I will miss
her until May when we are reunited.

I stayed in MossorĂ³ during transfers. I am super hapy to be here. I
have been working hard and love this ward. I wouldnt mind staying here
until the end of my mission. This place is really special.

This week after the transfers we had a zone meeting, so we could get
to know all the new missioanries. Sister Thomson and I had to give a
training about unity. She had the amazing idea to do a three legged
race. So we got a few of the companionships and made them race aginst
eachother. then we made them all race together. When they raced alone,
there was alot of problems, but when they ran together they had to
talk it out one with enother and they were able to all get back to the
finish line without any probloems. it was amazing. i hope this made
sense. butit was really cool. then we made goals as a zone on how we
can be more united.

We are teaching a women named Andreza. she is 21 with two kids. Her
husband died about 6 weeks ago. and we stared to stop by and talk with
her. She is the neighbor of a member in our ward. So this week he
invited her over so we could share a gospel message with her. It was
amazing and the spirit was strong. We went back to her house the next
day and taught her the 1st lesson. And the spirit was so strong. we
invted her to be baptised and she said he would. She is marked to be
baptised this sunday!! She is amazing. and a women who is looking for
alot of answers in her life. it is so cool cause i can see how the
lord was preparing her to hear the gospel. I am so thankful to be a
part of this work.

On saturday we were walking and there was a young man on the street. I
stoped and said "wanna go to church with us tomorrow?" he said "sure"
so sunday we were watching to get people to go to church, and there
was Leo, sitting on the street waiting for us. I thought to myself. I
dont believe he is acutally going to come with us. and he came. he
loved church and got along so well with all the young men and wants to
come back. so i hope this works out.

Carlos. This is a good story. He was walking in front of the church
sunday morning and felt the desire to enter. So he walked in and
sacrament meeting was starteing.he sat down and watched the meeting.
then we went and talked to him. he had to go cause he had a thing to
do. but we went by his house after church and he said that he never
felt so much peace in his life then when he was at church.we invtied
him to be baptised and he accepted. WHOO!!!

i think this week there will be alot of good things happing here in
the ward Urick Graff. I am so happy!!

I love you all!!

here is a picture of our zone.

Sister Hernandez

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